Professor Kim’s research is aimed at understanding consumer motivation and decision making, particularly in relation to resource management. Specifically, she studies how consumers make decision under shortage of resources (e.g., time pressure, busyness, scarcity) and surplus of resources (e.g., indulgent consumption, wasteful consumption, sustainable consumption, disposal decision). She is also interested in examining how ideology (e.g., political ideology, religion) impacts consumer decisions. 

Her research has been published in Journal of Consumer Research; Journal of Marketing; Psychological Science; and Harvard Business Review and has appeared in high-impact media such as Forbes, BBC, U.S. News, and New York Post, among others. She currently serves on the editorial board of Journal of Consumer Psychology. Before joining McIntire, Christine taught Marketing Management at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Principle of Marketing at the Pepperdine University, and Physical Science to junior high school students in Los Angeles.