The McIntire School of Commerce’s Center for the Management of IT (CMIT) initiates and promotes visionary interdisciplinary research in information technology-related areas, advances scholarship, and drives essential knowledge discovery through a multitude of engaging events and programs.

Established in 1991, the Center creates opportunities for business and higher education to collaborate on pressing topics in IT, provides support for McIntire faculty involved in cutting-edge research projects, and sponsors Commerce School thought leadership, highlighting faculty and renowned speakers from all over the world.  

In its more than three-decade history, the Center has hosted over 100 programs—both domestically and internationally—creating a unique opportunity to engage alumni and industry partners in a knowledge continuum, as first envisioned by Thomas Jefferson when he founded the University of Virginia in 1819. These programs also serve as the nexus for bringing together IT and business leaders, faculty, students, and alumni of UVA.

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Knowledge Continuum