About me:

My name is Katie Whalen, and I am a third-year student at McIntire! I am so excited to be an Admission Ambassador this upcoming year and meet all of our prospective McIntire students!

I am especially excited to have the opportunity to share how much I love the McIntire experience—from the professors to the curriculum and the community. My fellow McIntire students truly inspire me every day with their ambition, enthusiasm, and kindness, I truly feel that I have found my people at UVA. A big part of this feeling of belonging was the emphasis on teamwork throughout the ICE curriculum. Having the opportunity to connect with my peers on a deeper level through group work has enriched my academic and social experience substantially.

Outside of Mcintire, I love all things health and exercise, so I have been involved in the UVA Barbell Club and the Active Minds club. You can also find me most days at Hot Yoga Cville on the Downtown Mall! I am also a lover of cappuccinos and lattes, so you might also find me at Grit or Mudhouse on the weekends!

In terms of academics, I was a member of the Gamma lot Sigma business fraternity, and I have a passion for national defense, accounting, and public policy. Notably, I spent this past summer in Huntsville, AL, learning project management for the Missile Defense Agency. I cannot wait to help our future Commerce students fall in love with McIntire as much as I have!

Fun fact: I memorized 101 digits of pi in fourth grade!